KCCP received a $300,000 matching grant from the Joh Foundation 조 화운데이션 KCCP에 30만불 기부

On Friday, March 22nd, 2013 the Korean Community Center of Greater Princeton to help kick start the campaign toward building the community center on six acres of land in West Windsor, NJ. The goal of the matching gift is to encourage additional grass roots support and donations which is the main stay of how KCCP has been built over the past seven years. With combined funding from the Joh Foundation matching grant and other donors that will step up, a total of $600,000 will be donated to the capital campaign and to support events for KCCP. One of the goals of the Korean Community Center of Greater Princeton is to create a new building that will enhance the lives of the community in addition to promoting heritage and culture for the next generation. The new building will include rooms for class rooms, library, fitness center, kitchen, music, ballrooms and more.KCCP (the Korean Community Center of Greater Princeton)에 지금까지 많은 후원을 해왔던  조화운데이션(The Joh Foundation)이   3월22일 KCCP  회관 건립을 위한  200 만불 모금 캠페인에 30만불을 매칭그랜트 (matching grant) 로 새롭게 내놓아 모금 운동이 한층 활발하게전개될 것으로보입니다. 조화운데이션의 KCCP 에 대한 기부액은 이번에 기부하게 될 30만불을 포함하면 총 60만불에 이르게되며 특히 이번에기부하는 30만불은 인근주민들의 작지만 정성어린 기부 활동에 커다란 촉진제가 될 것으로 예상됩니다.  앞으로 지어지게 될 KCCP회관에는 강의실, 도서관, 회의실, 강당, 음악실 식당등이들어설 예정이며2세들을비롯한 한인  동포들에게우리 문화를 계승발전시키는 역할을감당하게된다.  특히 지난번 조 화운데이션에서 기부한 20만불은 부엌설비를 위한 기금이었습니다.”As we turned to the community for support of this long awaited project, The Joh Foundation was one of the first to step forward,” KCCP President, Young Lee, said. “Our hope is that the confidence the Joh Foundation is showing in our organization will inspire others to partner with us in helping the Korean Community Center of Greater Princeton not just exist, but thrive. We are truly overwhelmed with the generosity and commitment of the Joh foundation and so thankful for their belief in our dream.”KCCP 이영 회장은 이번 조화운데이션이 많은액수의기금을 쾌척함으로 인해 이지역에거주하는 많은한인들에게 한인공동체가 단순히 존재하는정도가 아니라 무한히 발전할 수있다는 자부심과 자신감을심어주었다고 말하고 어려운 여건 속에서도 우리의꿈을 실현하기 위해 우리한인 사회에대한 깊은사랑으로  또 다시 큰일을 단행해 준 조화운데이션에 깊은 감사를표했습니다.

For additional information on the Korean Community Center of Greater Princeton (KCCP), please visit www.kccprinceton.org or contact Young Lee, KCCP President, at 732-589-4568or Dr. Jung Hi Lee, KCCP Chairman, at 609-730-0218.

더자세한내용을원하시는분은 영리KCCP회장 (732-589-4568)혹은 이중희이사장 (609-730-0218)에게 연락바랍니다.