“1000 Squared”
   A KCCP “Chun-Chun-Yee (천천이)” Fundraising Campaign

The first group of Koreans arrived in the United States almost 130 years ago.   Since then, the Korean Americans in the greater Princeton area, while struggling to settle down in the new country, became accepted as model citizens through our hard work and contributions we have made in various fields. Along the way, we have strived to assimilate into the American mainstream but have also taken pride in maintaining our cultural heritage.

A plan was set forth by a dozen founding members of the Korean Community Center of Princeton (KCCP) to establish a solid base for furthering the Korean cultural heritage as well as continually supporting our outreach efforts. The best way to implement the plan was to build a community center as an immediate goal and hence we have successfully raised $2 million toward our goal. We were able to purchase the land for the construction site, draw up the blueprints.  Currently we are waiting for the approval of the site plan.   Estimated opening date for the center is 2018.

Now we have a bigger task to construct the center building with the space and amenities necessary to provide adequate services that we have envisioned to deliver for the Korean-American community in the vicinity. Because the total cost of the project is estimated at $3 million, it requires another $1 million. We will certainly get there at the finish line but, like the tortoise in Aesop’s fable, we are moving “slowly” (translated in Korean “Chun-Chun-Yee”).

But guess what? Chun-Chun-Yee has a hidden meaning for us. “Chun” means 1000 and “Yee” has a meaning of two or double. Therefore, Chun-Chun-Yee will denote the equation of “1000 Squared,” which brings the mathematical calculation of “1,000,000.”  Thus, it fits perfectly as our campaign slogan, through which we will reach the target number when 1000 members donate $1000 each — that amounts to $1,000,000.   Your contribution of $1000.00 will be recognized as your name will be displayed in the KCCP Community Center.  “Chun-Chun-Yee” started this year and as of today we have 12 payment and pledges.


Your donation of $1000 could be broken down into monthly installments on a credit card or divided into several payments by checks payable to “KCCF.” It’s akin to skipping a drink of soda in the afternoon for one year. You all can surely eliminate that sugary stuff from diet to stay healthy, while your participation in the “1000 Squared” campaign will help ensure empowerment of our children in the future.

Please fill in the donation form and return it in the enclosed envelope. Your heartfelt generous support will be remembered in many generations to come!!

You can also donate through online here. Please click on the “donate” Button.

그동안 여러분들의 관심과 사랑에 힘입어 프린스턴한인커뮤니티센터 건립 프로젝트는 꾸준히 기본 준비단계를 밟아왔습니다. 우리는 지역사회를 위해 여러 필요한 공간과 적절한 서비스 등을 제공할 수 있고 각종 편의시설을 갖춘 커뮤니티센터 건립을 계획, 준비해 왔고 곧 그 꿈이 실현될 것으로 보입니다. 2019년 완공을 예상하고 있습니다. 네, 그렇습니다. 우리는 2 년 후에 우리의 집을 갖게 될 것입니다. 하지만 프로젝트의 총비용은 3 백만불로 추정되어 있는데 지금 현재 약 3분의 2정도가 마련된 상태이고 앞으로 1 백만불이 더 필요합니다. 우리는 결승선에 분명히 도착할 것입니다. 그러나 이솝 우화의 거북이처럼 우리는 ‘천천이’ 움직입니다.

‘천천이’라는 말속에는 숨겨진 의미가 있습니다. “천”은 숫자로1,000을 의미하고 “이”는 숫자 2를 뜻합니다. 따라서 ‘천천이’는 1,000 의 제곱이라는 수학 방정식을 사용하여 1,000,000이라는 계산이 나옵니다. 따라서 1000명의 회원이 1000불씩 기부해 목표 금액인 1,000,000불에 도달해 보자는 캠페인 슬로건에 완벽하게 들어 맞습니다. 한 번에 1000불을 후원해 주셔도 좋고 나눠 주셔도 됩니다. 프린스턴한인커뮤니티센터에 1000불을 후원해 주시는 분들께는 감사하는 마음을 전하고 또 조금이라도 그 마음에 보답하고자 하는 뜻에서 커뮤니티센터 건물 안의 한쪽 벽에 후원자분들의 성함을 새겨드릴 것입니다.

아래 ‘Donate’ 버튼을 누르신 후 크레딧카드로 결제하실 수 있습니다. 여러분들의 진심 어린 후원은 차세대뿐만 아니라 많은 세대에 걸쳐 오래오래 기억될 것입니다! 감사합니다!