Please save the evening of Saturday, September 27, 2014.

The Korean Community Center of Greater Princeton (”KCCP”) will hold its 8th annual fundraising Chuseok Gala at the Rider University on September 27 6:00 pm. This year’s Gala theme is “Build to Share,” we are really thrilled to disclose our future site plan and the building at the gala by our civil engineer and architect.

We are also happy to disclose our new programs truly for the benefit of the community in near future. Although many days have been passed since the project initiated, we are proud of accomplishing all these progress with grassroots movements with contribution of Founding Members. Not only sharing our spirits, we will also share our food and culture by providing Korean delicacies from GeumKangSan, a Korean restaurant in New York, along with a traditional Korean music and dance performance by the Asian American Arts Center from Washington, D.C.

Our keynote speaker this year is Mr. Timothy Haahs, President and CEO of Timothy Haahs & Associates, Inc., an engineering and architecture design firm.  Mr. Haahs has achieved international prominence and was featured on a KBS Korean TV program as a devoted philanthropist last year. In addition, there will be a sing along, silent auction and raffles.

For more information on how to support and RSVP to this worthwhile event, please email Your support and participation will be greatly appreciated. We look forward to celebrating the Chuseok (Korean Thanksgiving) Gala with you on September 27.

KCCP 2014 Chuseok Gala Committee


무더운 날씨에 가내 다 평안하시기를 바랍니다.  올해도  제8회 추석 맞이 갈라 행사가 오는 9월 27일 (토요일) 오후6시 뉴져지 로렌스빌에 위치한 Rider University에서개최됩니다. 올해는 특히KCCP부지에 건축될 Community Center 기초 공사를 위한 토목 설계 공사 신청이 마무리 단계에와 있으며 최근 건축사를 고용하여 건축 설계 신청을 준비하고 있습니다.  올해에는 “Building to Share ” 라는 주제에 맞춰, 한인커뮤니티 센터건물 건축 준비에 박차를 가할 뿐아니라 장차 그곳에서 진행될 프로그램 준비에도 만전을 기하고 있습니다.

Keynote Speaker로는 필라델피아에서 TimHaahs 건축 회사를 설립, 한인사회는 물론 미국 전역의 건축계에 큰 영향을 끼치고 있는 Timothy Haahs (하형록)씨를 초청하여 현재 한인으로써 미국 주류 사회에 어떻게 기여할 수 있었는지의 경험담과 미래를 향해 나가는 한인 커뮤니티의바람직한 목표들을 생각해 보고자 합니다.

이날 저녁은 국제적으로 알려진 워싱턴 사물놀이팀의 공연이 있게되며 이외에도 추석의 흥을 돋울 싱어롱, Silent Auction, 경품뽑기, 뉴욕 금강산에서 준비하는 맛있는 한국음식의 성찬이 준비 되어 있습니다.

이 멋진 행사를 후원 해주시고 또 예약을 하시는데 대한 정보는 kihooncha@kccprinceton.org로 연락 주시기 바랍니다. 여러분들의 후원과 참여를 손 꼽아 기다리고 있습니다. 9월 27일 추석 행사에 부디 오셔서 축하 해주시기를 바라며 행사에 대해 간단하게 소개 말씀을 드렸습니다. 감사합니다.

2014년 추석 갈라 위원회 배상